Sunday, June 30, 2024

Πανηγυρικός Αρχιερατικός Εσπερινός Αγ. Αναργύρων | Ι.Καθεδρικός Ναός Αγί...Panegyric Archieratical Vespers of the Holy Unmercenaries Sts.Kosmas and Damianos

Presided by His Eminence Metropolitan Charitonos (Guest Hierarch) Catherdral Church of the Holy Protection of the Theotokos,Edessa,Central Makedonia,Greece Ruling Hierarch:His Eminence Metropolitan Ioil of Edessa,Pella and Almopa,seated across from Metropolitan Charitonos-he is infirm,but holding on as best he can. Edessa is one of the New Lands of Greece that belong to the Ecumenical Patriarchate but which,for practical reasons,are administered by the Church of Greece.Still,there is a spiritual tie to the Ecumenical Patriarchate.* The service ends with a procession through Edessa with the icon and relics of the saints to the pealing of bells and beating of drums.The service was well attended by the Hellenic Armed forces,including an honor guard.

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