Monday, May 27, 2024

Bulletin:Pope and Ecumenical Patriarch Will Meet to Celebrate 1700th Anniversary of Historic Council of Nicea

His Holiness Pope Francis plans to visit the Patriarchate of Constantinople and Nicea (Iznik,Turkey) and join with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for this historic celebration,according to EWTN Catholic news agency.The Council of Nicea,the First Ecumenical Council,held in 325,is a symbol of Christian unity,establishing the Nicene Creed and the date of Easter.In 2025,the date of Easter will be the same in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars,making this a perfect occasion for a shared ecumenical celebration.An organizing committee,made up of both Catholics and Orthodox,will soon meet in Istanbul to plan the event.

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