Wednesday, November 15, 2023

US/China Talks:What Was Agreed by President Biden and President Xi

At their in depth discussions on the sideline of the APEC Summit on 15 November 2023 at a private estate in the San Francisco Bay Area,President Joseph R. Biden and his counterpart President Xi Xinping reached four agreements.The two leaders had met each other 12 years ago when both were Vice Presidents.They spent 68 hours together at that time,which is an unusual amount for leaders of their pay grade.The deliverables of their current talks were four agreements:1.Resuming counter-narcotics work between the two countries.This will be focused on ensuring that the poisonous drug fentanyl is intercepted by thier respective law enforcement agencies.2.Resuming military-to-military communication in an effort to head off any crises that may arise at the pass.3.Setting up a dialogue between the two nations on Artificial Intelligence,it's drawbacks and it's promise.4.Establishing a hotline between the two Presidents.They can call each other any time and be assured of being answered.So the two countries can sleep a little easier at night in light of the constructive spirit of the presidential talks.

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